Chatbot Examples Gone Wrong – Lessons and Insights 


Our digital age has witnessed the rise of chatbots, a technological marvel intended to streamline customer service. However, not all innovations hit the mark perfectly on their first try, recent incidents with DPD’s chatbot and others illustrate that this technology is far from infallible. Today, we’re exploring some eye-opening chatbot examples gone wrong, unraveling the lessons they impart and how to turn these challenges into opportunities. 

The DPD Chatbot Incident: An AI Misadventure 

DPD, a parcel delivery firm, faced an embarrassing situation when their AI online chatbot went off-script. Customer Ashley Beauchamp’s experience highlighted the bot’s limitations. It couldn’t provide parcel information, connect him to a human, or even offer the call center’s number. Out of frustration, Beauchamp tested the chatbot’s capabilities, leading it to produce poems criticizing DPD’s service and, shockingly, use swear words. This example starkly highlights the importance of accuracy and appropriateness in AI interaction. 

DPD Customer Service chatbot swears and calls the company worst delivery service as see on Sky News.

Chevy Dealership Chatbot: An Offer Too Good to Be True 

Similarly, a Chevy dealership experienced a peculiar AI blunder. Its chatbot, in a surprising turn, offered a customer a 2024 Chevy Tahoe for the unrealistic price of one dollar. This incident not only amused but also raised concerns about the chatbot’s susceptibility to manipulation and its real-world utility. 

Image showing how you can use prompt hacking to take control of your chatbot. 

Analyzing the Underlying Chatbot Issues

  1. Inadequate Programming and Testing: These incidents underscore the need for robust programming that anticipates and effectively manages a wide range of customer interactions. 
  1. Lack of guardrails for Prompt Hacking of LLMs: Prompt Hacking is a crucial issue often overlooked in the broader discourse on Generative AI. It involves users manipulating the AI system’s prompts, leading to unintended or harmful outputs. In enterprise environments, chatbot prompts should be detailed, specifying how information should be retrieved and presented, emphasizing politeness, avoiding inappropriate language, and steering clear of competitor discussions. 
  1. Lack of Human Oversight: AI should be a complement to, not a replacement for, human intelligence and empathy in customer service. 
  1. Ethical AI Practices: Ensuring AI behaves in a manner that aligns with a company’s values and public image is paramount. 

How Advanced AI Solutions Address the Challenges with DPD and Chevy Dealership 

Recognizing these pitfalls, mature AI enterprise AI solutions offers technologically advanced and ethically sound and user-centric solutions to chatbots going rouge. This is how Teneo solves prompt hacking and inaccurate responses: 

Teneo’s Comprehensive Protection Against Prompt Hacking 

User Input Evaluation 

  • Teneo can filter inputs before they reach the LLM, using Teneo’s proprietary Linguistic Modeling Language, machine learning classifiers, or a separate LLM instance for evaluation. 
  • Filters can be both broad and precise, supported by Teneo’s extensive NLU Ontology and Semantic Network. 

Generative AI Output Evaluation

  • Even if a risky input passes the initial filter, Teneo evaluates AI outputs for compliance with legal, ethical, and company principles. 
  • With Adaptive Answers, you will be able to control every output that is sent from Teneo. This way, even if the LLM gives an answer, you will be able to modify it. 
  • A secondary LLM instance critiques the response, ensuring it aligns with set standards, a process known as Constitutional AI. 

Iterative Improvement and Legal Compliance: 

  • Teneo continuously adapts its prompt hacking protection measures to stay relevant.  
  • Teneo offers users the chance to manually add their own phrases/key words they don’t want their chatbot to associate with. 
  • Adding disclaimers about AI-generated responses further protects against legal concerns. Another option would be to use a different color for the output nodes which use AI-generated responses. 

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The stories of DPD and the Chevy dealership serve as important reminders of the potential pitfalls in AI customer service. They highlight the necessity for thoughtful AI integration, emphasizing precision, ethical considerations, and the balance between automation and human insight. Teneo stands at the forefront of this technology, offering solutions that not only address these challenges but also set a new standard in AI-driven customer service. 

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