Customer Service is Broken, But Technology Can Fix It 

Teneo Chatbot providing enhanced customer service by managing a broad spectrum of customer inquiries.

We’ve all been there – on hold for hours, stuck in a never-ending call. It’s no secret that customer service is broken, and it’s a problem that affects us all.

According to a survey conducted by HubSpot, 90% of customers rate an “immediate” response as important or very important when they have question for customer support.

However, despite this demand, many companies have failed to meet customer expectations. Customers are left waiting on hold. Then, they are asked to navigate confusing call systems or being passed between different departments. This is leading to frustration and ultimately a poor customer experience. 

On a study, Microsoft found that 61% of customers stopped doing business with companies because of poor customer service. This highlights the importance of providing a high-quality customer experience. 

Another reason for the lag in customer service is the focus on cost-cutting. According to Forrester, companies that prioritize customer support experience higher revenue growth compared to those that do not. 

Furthermore, companies often rely on outdated technology such as traditional IVR systems, which have been proven to frustrate customers. According to CCW, 75% of customers find IVR frustrating. This frustration can lead to longer call times, decreased customer satisfaction, and increased call center costs. 

So, what can companies do to improve their customer service and keep up?  

First, they need to prioritize customer service as a revenue generator rather than a cost center. According to a study by PwC, 73% of customers cite customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions. Therefore, investing in high-quality customer service can lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue growth. 

Secondly, companies need to embrace new technologies that can enhance the customer experience. For example, conversational IVR technology, such as OpenQuestion, provides customers with a more natural and personalized experience, reducing frustration and improving overall satisfaction. By investing in new technology, companies can keep up with changing expectations and provide a better customer experience. 

In conclusion, customer service is lagging behind due to a failure to understand changing customer expectations vs cost-cutting, and outdated technology.

Companies need to prioritize customer service as a revenue generator, embrace new technologies, and invest in staffing and training to provide high-quality service. By doing so, they can keep up with changing expectations and provide a better customer experience. 

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