Gartner Report:

How to Pilot Generative AI

By Leinar Ramos, Anthony Mullen, Rajesh Kandaswamy, Radu Miclaus, Erick Brethenoux, Avivah Litan, Haritha Khandabattu

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According to Gartner®, "When organizations begin experimenting with generative AI, they often neglect its transformative nature and the operationalization challenges it entails. IT leaders responsible for AI can follow the five steps in this research to pilot generative AI and start delivering business value."

On this report, Gartner analysts offer advice to IT leaders responsible for using generative AI to generate value. Here's what they found:

"The most successful pilots focus on demonstrating business potential, not on technical feasibility. Organizations tend to run technical pilots that simply demonstrate that it is possible to build something with generative AI, leading to only incremental improvements and ignoring the transformative potential of this technology."

"IT leaders struggle to identify and prioritize impactful generative AI use cases due to the broad and emerging nature of the technology."

"Mature AI organizations involve business partners and software engineers as key members of their AI projects and pilot teams."

"Generative AI allows for faster development cycles than traditional AI projects. For this reason, a generative AI pilot requires a lean cycle of innovation — short experiments to test how the technology could add strategic value — while mitigating the potential risks that come with generative AI."

"Success in generative AI pilots requires rapid testing, refinement and, often, the elimination of use cases that do not have the anticipated effect on business value."

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