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Call Center

Definition: A call center is a centralized office used for receiving or transmitting a large volume of inquiries by telephone. a call center, handles high volume telephone calls, usually with some amount of computer automation, such as IVRs. Call centers typically provide voice only inbound, outbound and self-service customer interactions. See also: Contact Center.

Why is a Call Center Important?

Call centers play a crucial role in customer service, providing a point of contact for customers to resolve issues, get information, and interact with a company.

How to Measure Call Center Performance?

Call center performance can be measured by looking at key performance indicators (KPIs) such as first call resolution, customer satisfaction, and average handling time.

How to Improve Call Center Performance?

Call center performance can be improved by providing effective agent training, optimizing call routing, and implementing AI-powered solutions like OpenQuestion.

Improving Call Center Performance with OpenQuestion

OpenQuestion can streamline call routing, reduce handling time, and provide a clear summary of relevant information to call agents, thereby improving call center performance and customer satisfaction.

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