Teneo Developers

Theory/Core Concepts

There may be cases where you'll need to transfer information from a 'Language Object' to a flow, or you need to define a specific condition to be met before the flow executes a script. For these cases, After Match actions are the easiest choice. Simply put, After Match actions are used when you want something to happen at a particular flow node; this can range from setting the value of a variable at that point in the flow to triggering a listener.

One example of After Match actions was mentioned earlier in the Extract Entities page where an After Match action was used on an entity to get the type of coffee ordered by the user.

After Match actions are not limited to use with entities. There are four different ways to use After Match actions:

  • Entity
  • Language Object
  • Listener
  • Script

After Match actions can be found inside a flow, located on the lower right corner when selecting a trigger or a transition. Which options are available will vary depending on which type of After Match action is chosen. This page will explain these types in depth.

after match

Note that a After Match action is only optional, where the input is not forced to trigger it. Once triggered, After Match actions will execute your Mapping or Script depending on which you've selected. If you want it to be required, you'll need to add a Match Requirement with an identical condition.

After Match actions on an Entity

As demonstrated in Extract Entities, it is possible to use After Match actions to extract the values stored inside an entity. If the user selects Entity as After Match actions, they'll need to define which Entity they're interested in. Once that's defined, the user will have the option to 'Add Mapping' and transfer the values from 'Source' to 'Target'.

d entity

After Match actions on a Language Object

There are some cases where the Language Objects store NLU values inside them. The user has the option to access these by using After Match actions on Language Objects. While selected, the user must define which Language Object they're interested in. Once that's defined, the user will have the option to 'Add Mapping' and transfer the values from 'Source' to 'Target'.

d LO

After Match actions on a Listener

In cases where using After Match actions on Entity isn't the best option, the Listener is there to help. Together with the listener, you'll have the option to combine both entities and language objects to execute a script or order. When selected, the user has the option to define a Condition that should trigger the Listener followed by an Execution Script, which is executed as soon as the Condition is met.

d listener

After Match actions on a Script

Teneo supports coding done in Groovy. This After Match action allows the user to use Groovy-based coding on a Script to be executed once the After Match actions are triggered. The user has the option of writing an Execution Script, which will be executed once the After Match actions option is met.

d script

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