Teneo Developers
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When building and maintaining a large solution, it can be a challenge to retain an overview of all the solution details. When multiple people are working on the same solution, it is easy to overlook something, to accidentally save an unfinished language condition, or to forget to follow best practices. To avoid these types of errors, Studio automatically scans your solution for common issues and reports them in a nicely categorized manner in the Suggestions panel. Here, Studio gives you a prioritized overview of steps you could take to bolster solution quality.

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Using Suggestions

Suggestions are simple to use, as Studio creates, organizes, and lists them for you automatically. To find Suggestions for your project:

  1. Click on the SOLUTIONS tab in the main window of your open solution.
  2. In the sidebar on the left, click on 'Optimization'.
  3. Select Suggestions at the top of the window to see the list of Suggestions below.

Optimize - Suggestions: suggestions

Degrees of severity

Some issues in a project will, naturally, be more severe than others. Some might be the results of not following best practice, while others might actually hinder your solution from working correctly. Studio offers suggestions that are grouped into one of four degrees of severity:

Optimize - Suggestions: suggestion degrees

FatalSevere issues that prevent the solution from running and/or being publishedEmpty flow links
ErrorLocalized issues that can cause runtime errors, though the solution will still runCondition syntax errors, script errors
WarningIssues that may lead to unexpected behavior, though no actual error will be flaggedAmbiguous linguistic conditions, empty or default answers
InfoSuggestions related to best practices.Missing descriptions, naming conventions

Addressing Suggestions

Suggestions are a helpful way of seeing how a solution could be improved; however, it is not always necessary to address every single Suggestion if it is not important to the solution. Some may result from a conscious decision made by the solution designer. Others may be of an informational nature, and not actually affect the solution's performance.