Teneo Developers

Engine API

Session Management

The client applications maintain a session with the engine to allow the engine to remember details between requests by the users. The engine handles sessions as follows:

Please note that this is only available in SaaS.

  1. When a request comes in that does not contain session details, a new session will be created on the server. The session ID will be included in the JSON response and as a cookie in the response header.
  • If the response contains the header X-Gateway-Session then the next request must include the header X-Teneo-Session with the value 'JSESSIONID=session_ID' followed by ';' and the value received from the X-Gateway-Session header.

For example, if the session ID is '31992FA776A3XXXXX1031B5F' and the X-Gateway-Session header contained 'FOO=BAR', then the 'X-Teneo-Session' header should be set to JSESSIONID=31992FA776A3XXXXX1031B5F; FOO=BAR.

  1. To maintain a dialogue in the same session, the next request of the client should include the session ID received in the response, and in responses where the X-Gateway-Session header was present, the X-Teneo-Session header is required.

The X-Teneo-Gateway handling is to keep sessions working when cookies may be blocked. The prime example being in browsers.

  1. The engine will expire the session, after 10 minutes of inactivity. All details stored in the session will be forgotten.

This value can be changed, please see Change session timeout for more information.

  1. If a request comes in with a session ID that is expired or unknown, the engine will create a new empty session and include the new session ID in the response.

When using the SDK's, session maintenance is usually not something you have to worry about, as it is handled by the SDK. If you don't make use of the SDK's, you should make sure the session cookie received from the engine is included in the request header. The way to do this depends on the language used. In Node.js, for example, this could be achieved as follows:


2      host: 'https://some.teneo',
3      path: 'engine-url/?viewtype=tieapi&userinput=What%20time%20is%20it%3F&usertimezone=CEST',
4      method: 'POST',
5      headers: {
6          'Cookie': 'JSESSIONID=31992FA776A35DABA3291A4EE1031B5F',
7          // If the response header X-Gateway-Session is set
8          'X-Teneo-Session': 'JSESSIONID=31992FA776A35DABA3291A4EE1031B5F' // Followed by ';' and the value of X-Gateway-Session
9      }
10}, function(response) {
11        // handle response

Ending a session

The best practice is to end sessions when possible, e.g. by closing the bot's window in Teneo Web Chat. If the session is not ended, the engine will automatically expire sessions after 10 minutes of inactivity by default.

You can end session by appending endsession to the engine URL. Make sure the session cookie and X-Teneo-Session header (when the X-Gateway-Session header is present in responses) is included in the request, as the engine won't know which session to end otherwise.

Example request

curl -X POST \ https://some.teneo/engine-url/endsession \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

Example response


2    "status" : 1,
3    "message" : "logout"
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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
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