Interface WordDataI

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface WordDataI
    extends Serializable
    This interface defines the data associated with a word identified in a sentence. It provides access to the original form of the word and its start and end character index in the sentence text, the simplified form and the final form of the word. It also provides access to a collection of arbitrary properties attached to a word.
    • Method Detail

      • getOriginal

        String getOriginal()
        Returns the original form of this word.
      • getBeginIndex

        int getBeginIndex()
        Returns the character index of the beginning of this word in the sentence text.
      • getEndIndex

        int getEndIndex()
        Returns the index of the character right after the end of this word in the sentence text.
      • getSimplified

        String getSimplified()
        Returns the simplified form of this word.
      • setSimplified

        void setSimplified​(String _sSimplified)
        Sets the simplified form of this word to the given value.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is null
      • getFinal

        String getFinal()
        Returns the final form of this word.
      • setFinal

        void setFinal​(String _sFinal)
        Sets the final form of this word to the given value.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is null
      • getProperties

        Map<String,​Object> getProperties()
        Returns the properties attached to this word.