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Generate Session Logs

Before you use Teneo Query Language to analyze your bot's sessions make sure that:

  • The bot is published.
  • Inputs has been sent to the published bot.

Conversations you had in Tryout in Studio do not show up in the Log Data Source and are not queryable; you need real data to use TQL. If your bot meets the prerequisites, you can skip this section. Otherwise, we walk you through the steps to get you to the point where you can start using TQL.

Publish your bot

Teneo Query Language needs data to work with. Once your solution has been published, users can interact with it. You can read more about publishing your bot in this section. Follow the steps there to publish the Longberry Baristas solution. If you've already published this solution you can continue with the next section.

Generate a session log

  1. Open the bot via the URL shown in the Publish view.
  2. Complete a conversation with an order or some small talk, whichever you like.
  3. End the conversation by clicking the button End Session (Close the chat for Teneo Web Chat).

The final step assures that the session ends immediately. This in turn allows the session to become immediately available to Teneo Query Language queries.

If you forgot to end the session in this way, the session will still become available to Teneo Query Language queries after a default timeout period of ten minutes.